A Poets’ Correspondence (VI): Rowan Ricardo Phillips and Glyn Maxwell
This summer, in our digital edition Little Star Weekly, we inaugurated an ongoing series, a correspondence on poetic means in the English of here and there (England and the UK) by Rowan Ricardo Phillips and Glyn Maxwell. Read Glyn’s first installment in Little Star Weekly here and the ensuing correspondence here in our diary. Here is letter #6. Dear Glyn, Damn. What an […]
Glyn Maxwell on the stage, this summer
Enjoying our poets’ correspondence between Glyn Maxwell and Rowan Ricardo Phillips? Keep it going by buying Rowan’s new book, or taking a dip into Glyn’s work for the stage: Glyn is not only a prolific writer of plays, libretti, and screenplays, but also one of our foremost advocates for verse drama. “Cyrano de Bergerac,” by […]
A Poets’ Correspondence (I–V): Rowan Ricardo Phillips and Glyn Maxwell
This summer in our digital edition, Little Star Weekly, inaugurated an occasional series, a correspondence on poetic means in the English of here and there (England and the UK) by Rowan Ricardo Phillips and Glyn Maxwell. Read Glyn’s first installment in Little Star Weekly here, ensuing correspondence below. Dear Glyn, I’m in New York. And now that I’ve […]
Coming soon! A poet’s correspondence
This week in our digital edition, Little Star Weekly, we inaugurate an occasional series, a correspondence on poetic means in the English of here and there (England and the UK) by Rowan Ricardo Phillips and Glyn Maxwell. Read the first installment here. And stay tuned for part two! Send us your email address to request […]
One poem by Derek Walcott: Glyn Maxwell
Most poets, when they leaf back through their work to select the Best of Themselves, tend to want grown-ups around: poems from not so long ago, poems that show what the poet came to, what he or she did when he or she grew up, poems they can talk to. The awkward youngsters in the […]